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Privacy Policy




Privacy policy regulates the processing of users’ personal data and secures the protection of such data from unauthorized access by any third party.

The company respects each user’s visit to its controlled website and the interest that the user shows in the information placed on the website.

Based on the above-mentioned, the company takes responsibility to ensure strict compliance with the personal data protection legislation.

The terms of personal data processing when using the website are defined by this privacy policy.


Managing Company/Company – „TRANSLATE.GE” LLC (I/N: 405253014) (Limited Liability Company registered in accordance with the legislation of Georgia, date of registration:12/02/2018) having its registered office at Georgia, Tbilisi,Saburtalo district, Iosebidze st., N49 (Plot 17/1) ; City Tbilisi, Kutateli Street (Former Shchors) N3; Actual address: Georgia, Tbilisi,Saburtalo district, Iosebidze st., N49 (Plot 17/1) ; City Tbilisi, Kutateli Street (Former Shchors) N3.; hotline: 032 2 47 00 45.

Website- website operated by the Company.

Personal data (data) – any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, including by his/her name, surname, identification number, location data and electronic communication identifiers, or by physical, physiological, mental, psychological, genetic, economic, cultural or social characteristics; 

Special categories of data – data connected to a person’s racial or ethnic origin, political views, religious, philosophical or other beliefs, membership of professional unions, health, sexual life, status of an accused, convicted or acquitted person or a victim in criminal proceedings, conviction, criminal record, diversion, recognition as a victim of trafficking in human beings or of a crime under the Law of Georgia on the Elimination of Violence against Women and/or Domestic Violence, and the Protection and Support of Victims of Such Violence, detention and enforcement of his/her sentence, or his/her biometric and genetic data that are processed to allow for the unique identification of a natural person;

Processing of data − any operation performed on personal data, including collecting, obtaining, accessing, photographing, video monitoring and/or audio monitoring, organizing, grouping, interconnecting, storing, altering, retrieving, requesting for access, using, blocking, erasing or destroying, and disclosing by transmission, publication, dissemination or otherwise making available;

Automated data processing − the processing of data by means of information technologies;

Semi-automated data processing − the processing of data without using information technologies;

Data subject – any natural person whose data are being processed;

Consent of the data subject – consent freely and unambiguously expressed by a data subject after the receipt of the respective information, by an active action, in writing (including in electronic form) or verbally, to the processing of data concerning him/her for specific purposes;

Written consent of the data subject − consent, signed or otherwise expressed by a data subject in writing (including in electronic form) after the receipt of the respective information, to the processing of data concerning him/her for specific purposes;

Controller – a natural person, a legal person, or a public institution, who individually or in collaboration with others determines the purposes and means of the processing of data, and who directly or through a processor processes data;

Processor − a natural person, a legal person, or a public institution, which processes data for or on behalf of the controller. A natural person who is in labor relations with the controller shall not be considered a processor;

Third party − a natural person, a legal person, or a public institution, other than a data subject, the Personal Data Protection Service, a controller, a processor, a special representative and persons who, under the direct authority of the controller or processor, are authorized to process data;

Direct marketing − the direct and immediate delivery of information to a data subject by telephone, mail, email or other electronic means to generate and maintain interest in, sell and/or support a natural and/or legal person, product, idea, service, work and/or initiative, as well as image and social issues. The provision of information by a public institution to a natural person shall not be considered direct marketing if the provision of such information is compatible with any of the grounds for data processing as provided for by Articles 5 and 6 of this Law;

Blocking of data − the temporary suspension of data processing (except storing).

  1. Parties to the processing of the personal data
    1.    The user, as the subject of personal data processing,consents to the processing of their personal data in accordance with the purposes outlined in this privacy policy when using the website.
    2.    A Controller is:

„TRANSLATE.GE” LLC (I/N: 405253014) (Limited Liability Company registered in accordance with the legislation of Georgia, date of registration: 12/02/2018) having its registered office at Georgia, Tbilisi, Saburtalo district, Iosebidze st., N49 (Plot 17/1) ; City Tbilisi, Kutateli Street (Former Shchors) N3; Actual address: Georgia, Tbilisi, Saburtalo district, Iosebidze st., N49 (Plot 17/1) ; City Tbilisi, Kutateli Street (Former Shchors) N3. E-mail:; hotline: 032 2 47 00 45.

  1.    The controller, through its operational website, allows users to easily translate words between Georgian and English. The website is designed to facilitate language learning or provide quick translations at no cost


  1. Basis of Data processing
    1.    According to the Law of Georgia “On Personal Data Protection”, Data processing by the Company shall be admissible, when one of the following grounds exists:
      1. the data subject has given consent to the processing of data concerning him/her for one or more specific purposes;
      2. for the performance of a contract entered into with the data subject or to enter into a contract at the request of the data subject;
      3. data processing is necessary for the controller to perform his/her statutory duties;
      4. Data processing is necessary to provide services to the data subject;
      5. To protect the legal interests of the company and users;
      6. data processing is necessary to protect substantial public interests;
    2.    The User is neither legally nor contractually obliged to provide his/her personal data to the Company.
  2. The purpose of processing data
    1.    The controller is not processing personal data related to data subjects through its operational website.
    2.    The company's operational website, , does not process special categories of data such as health-related, genetic, or biometric information. Additionally, the company does not process data related to bank transactions.
  3. Rights and obligations of the Data subject
    1.    Data subject, has the right to:
      1. obtain from the Controller confirmation as to whether or not data concerning him/her are being processed according to the request, no later than 10 working days after the request, to receive his personal data stored with the company free of charge;
      2. request information about the source from which the data were collected/obtained;
      3. receive information about the period for which the data will be stored and, if no specific period can be determined, the criteria used to determine such period;
      4. request information about the legal basis and purposes of the data transfer, as well as the appropriate data protection safeguards;
      5. request information about the identity of the recipients or the categories of recipients, including information on the ground for and purpose of the transfer, if the data are transferred to a third party;
      6. In the case of the automated processing of data on the grounds of the Consent of the Data subject and if it is echnically feasible, request the transfer of a copy of his personal data held by the Company;
      7. request the controller to rectify, update and/or complete erroneous, inaccurate and/or incomplete data concerning him/her.
      8. request the controller to terminate the processing of , erase or destroy data concerning him/her.
      9. The Controller shall have the right to refuse the request if:
        1.   another grounds of processing provided for in the Article 3.3 hereof or in Articles 5 or 6 of the Law of Georgia “On personal data protection” exists;
        2.   data are processed for the purposes of substantiating a legal claim or a statement of defence;
        3.   the processing of data is necessary for the exercise of the right of freedom of expression or    information;
        4.   data are processed for archiving purposes in the public interest as provided for by law, for scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes, and the exercise of the right to the termination of the processing, erasure or destruction of the data would render impossible or substantially impair the achievement of the purposes of the processing.
      10.     request the Controller to block data in such cases:
        1. the authenticity or accuracy of the data is contested by the data subject;
        2. the processing of the data is unlawful, although the data subject opposes the erasure of the data and requests their blocking;
        3. the data are no longer needed for the purposes of the processing, but they are required by the data subject to lodge a complaint/claim;
        4. the data subject requests the termination of the processing, erasure or destruction of the data and this request is being considered;
        5. there is a need to retain the data for use as evidence.
    2. submit a complaint regarding personal data processing, including to the  Personal Data Protection, Service superior administrative body and/or to a court.
  4. Cookies and similar technologies
    1.    The company's website,, uses cookies to facilitate navigation, present information in the desired format, and improve search settings.
    2.    The company does not collect or process personal data related to users through cookies.
  5. Changes to the confidentiality policy
    1.    Company reserves the right to amend this privacy policy at any time.
    2.    Any changes to the Privacy Policy will be promptly communicated to users by posting the updated information on the website.
  6. Terms of Use
    1.    By reviewing this policy, the data subject confirms their agreement to the Privacy policy.
    2.    The legal basis for the processing of personal data by the company is the Law of Georgia On Personal Data Protection and Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data (ETS N 108, Strasbourg, 28 January 1981).
  7. Contact

In case of questions and/or requests regarding the processing of personal data, the user can contact the company at the following; hotline:032 2 47 00 45 .